ICSW Global Newsletter October 2018
In this issue:
- Feature article: European Union, Finland, Germany and OECD support systematization of social protection By Ronald Wiman, ICSW Europe President
- 10. Global Cooperation October 2018 (1.1 Mb)
ICSW Global Newsletter September 2018
In this issue:
- Feature article: 2018 Korea-China Social Contribution Forum
- 09. Global Cooperation September 2018 (1.1 Mb)
ICSW Global Newsletter August 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: The August edition of the Global Cooperation Newsletter completes the publication of the presentations at the ICSW Commemorative Symposium held in Dublin in July 2018.
- 08. Global Cooperation August 2018 (1.0 MB)
ICSW Global Newsletter July 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: Ideas in action: commemorative symposium of the ICSW
- 07. Global Cooperation July 2018 (1.1 MB)
ICSW Global Newsletter June 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: The IMF and Social Protection
- 06. Global Cooperation June 2018 (630 KB)
ICSW Global Newsletter May 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: Mobilize the financial means for social protection for all
- 05. Global Cooperation May 2018 (970 KB)
ICSW Global Newsletter April 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: Friends of the Disabled Association. Advancing the rights of persons with disability and their families: forty years journey By Moussa Charafeddine MD
- 04. Global Cooperation April 2018 (900 KB)
ICSW Global Newsletter March 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: Strengthening Social Protection in Africa By Sylvia Beales Gelber
- Civil Society Declaration featuring social protection, adopted in New York
- 03. Global Cooperation March 2018 (0.58 MB)
ICSW Global Newsletter Febuary 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: ICSW statement submitted to the 56th Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development
- Strengthening the institutional structures for sustainable development: role of social protection
- Interagency cooperation on social protection
- 02. Global Cooperation February 2018 (1.01 MB)
ICSW Global Newsletter January 2018
In this issue:
- Feature Article: The Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors meets in Nairobi
- Refugees and their rights by Gabriele Koehler
- 01. Global Cooperation January 2018 (1.1 MB)