🌍 國際社會福利協會中華民國總會前進紐約,參與 NGO CSW69 國際論壇!
國際社會福利協會中華民國總會(ICSW Taiwan)將前往美國紐約,參與第69屆聯合國婦女地位委員會大會暨非政府組織周邊會議(NGO CSW69),與全球關注社會福利、婦女權益與移民議題的專家學者、實務工作者及 國際NGO 代表進行交流!
本會主辦之平行論壇 「Empowering Immigrant Women: Economic Opportunities and Mental Well-being」(賦權新住民女性:經濟機會與心理健康),將探討移民女性的經濟賦權與心理健康議題,並與長期關注華人移民的紐約勵馨基金會(Garden of Hope)攜手合作,共同分享經驗與策略。
📌 論壇資訊
▶️ 主持人(Moderator):國際社會福利協會中華民國總會理事長 | 張菁芬副教授
▶️ 講者(Speakers):
🔹 鍾武中助理教授 | 輔仁大學
🔹 張菁芬副教授 | 國立臺北大學
🔹 楊喬羽助理教授 | Morgan State University
🔹 Ruoxi Chen | 紐約勵馨 人口販運介入計畫經理
🔹 張雅晴 博士生 | 國立陽明交通大學
📅 **時間:**2025年3月14日(五)10:30 AM - 12:00 PM(美東時間)
📍 **地點:**Salvation Army, Lower Level, New York
⚠ 本場次不開放線上參與,但將於會後上傳錄影,敬請關注!
📢 #NGOCSW69 #WomenEmpowerment
🌍 ICSW Taiwan at NGO CSW69 in New York!
The Council of Social Welfare, Taiwan (ICSW Taiwan) is heading to New York to participate in the NGO CSW69, engaging with global experts, practitioners, and INGOs dedicated to social welfare, women’s rights, and immigrant issues.
We are honored to host the parallel event “Empowering Immigrant Women: Economic Opportunities and Mental Well-being”, focusing on the economic empowerment and mental health of immigrant women. This forum is co-organized with the Garden of Hope New York, an organization that has long been committed to supporting Chinese immigrant women.
- 📌 Forum Details
▶️ Moderator: Prof. Chin-Fen Chang, President of ICSW Taiwan
▶️ Speakers:
🔹 Dr. Wu-Chung, Chung | Assistant Professor, Fu Jen Catholic University
🔹 Dr. Chin-Fen Chang | Associate Professor, National Taipei University
🔹 Dr. Chiao-Yu, Yang | Assistant Professor, Morgan State University
🔹 Ruoxi Chen | Program Manager, Human Trafficking Intervention Program, Garden of Hope
🔹 Ya-Ching, Chang | Ph.D. Student, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
📅 Date & Time: March 14, 2025 (Friday), 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
📍 Venue: Salvation Army, Lower Level, New York
⚠ This session will not be available for online participation, but a recording will be uploaded afterward. Stay tuned!
📢 #NGOCSW69 #WomenEmpowerment #ImmigrantWomen #GenderEquality #EconomicEmpowerment #MentalHealth #ICSWTaiwan #SocialWelfare #Migration #NewYorkEvents