There are new and clear signs today that health outcomes in Greece have worsened during the financial crisis, especially in vulnerable groups of people. These concerns are detailed in a report published today in The Lancet, written by Alexander Kentikelenis and Dr David Stuckler, University of Cambridge, UK, and Professor Martin McKee, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK, and colleagues. EuroHealthNet finds this worryingly predictable and avoidable.下載本月詳細文件 (英文版)
La participación de la Iglesia C atólica en muy diversas prácticas de acción social registra antecedentes históricos de muy larga data. Ya a principios del siglo XVII fue fundada en Buenos Aires la Hermandad de la Santa Caridad , dedicada a la atención de los pobres de la época.下載本月詳細文件
Today, the Commission published their vision for the Common Agriculture Policy towards 2020. The European Public Health and Agriculture Consortium (EPHAC) welcomes the European Commission’s recognition of the urgent challenges of climate change and increasing pressure on the world’s resources. However, EPHAC believes the proposals largely ignore public health and do not go far enough towards a truly sustainable food and farming policy.下載本月詳細文件 (英文版)
為關注台灣社會工作與社會發展議題,並鼓勵相關領域人士參與 2012 年國際社會工作聯合會議,本會與社會工作教育學會、東吳大學社會工作系訂於 100 年 11 月 17 日、18 日共同舉辦「社會工作社會發展:行動與展望」研討會。本次會議主題為「社會工作社會發展:行動與展望」,共有三項研討主題 (次子題詳見徵稿簡則): 1.Human Rights and Social Equality (人權跟社會平等) 2.Environmental Change and Sustainable Social Development (環境改變與可持續的社會發展) 3.Global Social Transformation and Social Action (全球社會轉型與社會行動)本研討會採公開徵稿方式,檢送徵稿簡則,詳如附件, 投稿截止日期為 100 年 9 月 15 日。 提供您作參考,歡迎師生踴躍投稿。下載徵稿文件
2011 Global Conference Title: “In Defense of the Family: Family, Children and Culture” (Conference observing the 25th Anniversary of SERFAC) Patron: Pontificium Consilium De Cultura, Citta del, Vaticano Organiser: Service and Research Institute on Family and Children (SERFAC),下載詳細會議資訊下載邀請登記表單
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Management of Development Projects03 October 2011 – 19 February 2012 // e-Learning· 27 February 2012 – 11 March 2012 // Bangalore, India 12 March 2012 – 06 May 2012 // ProjectDeadline for Applications: 31 July 2011更多資訊下載