International Social Work is a scholarly refereed journal designed to extend knowledge and promote international exchange in the fields of social work, social welfare and community development. It is the official journal of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), the International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) and the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW).The major focus of International Social Work is on the interaction between processes of globalisation and the development of social welfare at national level, as well as social work and community development locally. It aims to examine the meaning of international social work in practice and theory, and to explore how those concerned with social work and community development can engage with international issues. In addition, the journal aims to promote dissemination of material from cross-national research.Periodically, special issues of International Social Work focus on specific topics or regions. Special Issues in 2008/9 include ones with a focus on Africa; on Poverty; on 'History of international social work'; and on Social Work and Health.News & Views
The ICSW Global Newsletter called Global Cooperation is posted each month. Global Cooperation tells you of new important social welfare and social development publications from many sources and keeps you up to date with ICSW's activities.You can access previous Global Cooperation editions in our ICSW Global Newsletter ArchivesICSW Global Newsletter March 2018In this issue:
Feature Article: Strengthening Social Protection in Africa By Sylvia Beales Gelber
Civil Society Declaration featuring social protection, adopted in New York
The ICSW Global Newsletter called Global Cooperation is posted each month. Global Cooperation tells you of new important social welfare and social development publications from many sources and keeps you up to date with ICSW's activities.You can access previous Global Cooperation editions in our ICSW Global Newsletter ArchivesICSW Global Newsletter December 2017In this issue:
Feature article: Annual Meeting of the ICSW Board
Pension Reforms in Europe: Declared Goals, Actual Results and the Way Out By Krzysztof Hagemejer
The ICSW Global Newsletter called Global Cooperation is posted each month. Global Cooperation tells you of new important social welfare and social development publications from many sources and keeps you up to date with ICSW's activities.You can access previous Global Cooperation editions in our ICSW Global Newsletter ArchivesICSW Global Newsletter December 2016In this issue:
Feature article: Council of Europe: European Platform for Social Cohesion (PECS) - Strasbourg (France)
Experts' Meeting on social protection assessment tools by Ronald Wiman & Jean-Michel Hôte
Featured Article: Promoting Positive Youth Development for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Some Perspectives from South Asia by P.K. Shajahan
Securing basic income: innovative project in India
Useful Resources and Links - The Finds of the Month
The ICSW Global Newsletter called Global Cooperation is posted each month. Global Cooperation tells you of new important social welfare and social development publications from many sources and keeps you up to date with ICSW's activities.You can access previous Global Cooperation editions in our ICSW Global Newsletter ArchivesICSW Global Newsletter December 2015In this issue:
Feature article: EAPN Ireland: facing new challenges, finding new solutions by Robin Hanan
A landmark Paris accord on climate change: a comment
Featured Article: The foundation for universal social protection: Issues, realities and horizons for the MENA region within the Global Coalition by Driss Guerraoui
Conference of young parliamentarians speaks up on major challenges facing youth worldwide
Monitoring and follow-up to the post 2015-agenda: discussions in New York.
In the February 2012 edition of ICSW’s newsletter we cover our World conference to be held in Stockholm in July, ICSW’s work with the UN Commission for Social Development, Masters course for NGOs in social policy and development and more.下載本月詳細文件 (英文版)
In this edition:National councils and the Social Protection Floor - Central and West Africa. / New social protection initiatives. / Protecting democracy – Reclaiming civil society space in Africa. New Publications 下載本月詳細文件 (英文版)
The November 2011 edition highlights the UK Auditor General’s report on the practice of transferring cash and assets to the poor, a social protection floor for a fair and inclusive globalization, the Human Development Report 2011, the Global Agenda, ICSW Europe Board and the World Conference 2012, and much more…下載本月詳細文件 (英文版)
The October 2011 issue highlights the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers meet, the signature campaign for social protection, a new film on social protection, migrant workers’ rights to social protection, the threat that austerity measures have posed to children and poor households and much more.下載本月 NEWSLETTER (英文版)