1. 國際社會福利協會全球會議(隔年召開) 2. 國際社會福利協會亞太區域會議(隔年召開) 3. 台日韓非政府社會福利組織會議(每年召開)二、不定期提供會員國際新資訊

第二十二屆台日韓三國非政府社會福利組織會議(衛福部社會救助及社工司、地方政府之代表一同參訪日本社會福祉士會、大阪府社會福祉協議會、 社會福祉法人晉榮福祉會等單位)







戴翌軒 Shane yishuan day

TCSW接待中美洲統合委員會 (CIS) 參訪團


「國際社會福利協會 50 週年紀念研討會:高齡社會科技應用與社會創新」

ICSW global newsletter 2017
ICSW global newsletter 2017
ICSW Global Newsletter December 2017 In this issue:
- Feature article: Annual Meeting of the ICSW Board
- Pension Reforms in Europe: Declared Goals, Actual Results and the Way Out By Krzysztof Hagemejer
- Useful resources and links
- 12. Global Cooperation December 2017 (1.1 MB)
- 12. Coopération Mondiale Decembre 2017 (1.1 MB)
- 12. Cooperación Mundial Diciembre 2017 (1.1 MB)
- Feature article: ICSW and partners convene the Conference on social protection of older persons in Latin America
- The SDGs and early childhood in Argentina By Gala Díaz Langou and Florencia Caro Sachetti
- Useful resources and links
- 11. Global Cooperation November 2017 (1.0 MB)
- 11. Coopération Mondiale Novembre 2017 (1.1 MB)
- 11. Cooperación Mundial Noviembre 2017 (1.0 MB)
- Feature article: ICSW SEAP joins the 12th ASEAN GO-NGO Forum on Social Welfare and Development
- Social Protection for the Elderly: The Case of Malaysia By Norma Mansor
- 5th Edition of the Geneva Peace Talks. International Day of Peace - 21 September 2017 By Odile Frank
- Useful resources and links
- 10. Global Cooperation October 2017 (1.0 MB)
- 10. Coopération Mondiale Octobre 2017 (1.0 MB)
- 10. Cooperación Mundial Octubre 2017 (1.0 MB)
- Feature article: Africa’s demographic future and the SDGs’ focus on people: Challenges and prospects By Patience W. Stephens
- Climate Change, Food Security and Well-Being in West Africa: what role for civil society? By Christopher Dapaah and Sergei Zelenev
- Persons with Disability in Ghana—what could be done to improve their situation? By Christopher Dapaah
- Useful resources and links
- 09. Global Cooperation September 2017 (1.1 KB)
- 09. Coopération Mondiale Septembre 2017 (1.09 MB)
- 09. Cooperación Mundial Septiembre 2017 (1.07 MB)
- Feature Article: Social protection in Kenya: a long-term view and sustainability issues.
- Consolidating Social Cohesion Through Community Development In Rwanda By Jean de Die Basabose
- Growth, Poverty And Inequality In Mauritius And South Africa By Jean-Yves Duclos and Audrey Verdier - Chouchane
- Useful resources and links
- 08. Global Cooperation August 2017 (1.2 MB)
- 08. Coopération Mondiale Août 2017 ( 1.2 MB)
- 08. Cooperación Mundial Agosto 2017 ( 1.2 MB)
- Feature Article: The Future of Human Development What are the roles for global coalitions? By Driss Guerraoui
- Social protection in Egypt: Opportunities and challenges By Prof. Dr. Salah Hashem
- Reading the law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: The new tool for social protection in Jordan By Samih Sinkrot, Jordan- Amman
- Useful resources and links
- 07. Global Cooperation July 2017 (1.1 MB)
- 07. Coopération Mondiale Juillet 2017 (1.1 MB)
- 07. Cooperación Mundial Julio 2017 (0.7 MB)
- Feature Article: International Conference “Human Well-Being, Social Cohesion and Sustainable Development”
- Translating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into Local Circumstances by Sergei Zelenev
- Demographic Situation and Social & Economic Consequences: Comparative Analyses of European Countries by Odile Frank
- Useful resources and links
- 06. Global Cooperation June 2017 (1.23 MB)
- 06. Coopération Mondiale Juin 2017 (1 MB)
- 06. Cooperación Mundial Junio 2017 (1.0 MB)
- Feature Article: Leaving no one behind: Building an agenda for older persons in India by Asha Banu Soletti PhD
- Wind in the Hair: Innovations in the care of the elderly through Cycling without Age
- Global Action on Poverty (GAP) - A Unique Approach to Contributing to the UN Goals of 2030 in Eradicating Poverty
- Useful resources and links
- 05. Global Cooperation May 2017 (1.5 MB)
- 05. Coopération Mondiale Mai 2017 (1.26 MB)
- 05. Cooperación Mundial Mayo 2017 (1.07 MB)
- Feature Article: Technology for Ageing in Place by Ms. Grace Chan
- Korea’s Experience in the Application and Development of Gerontechnology by Shim, Woo Joung
- Convergence of Welfare and Technology: Welfare Innovation in Korea by Kim, Hee-yeon
- Useful resources and links
- 04. Global Cooperation April 2017 (1.01 MB)
- 04. Coopération Mondiale Avril 2017 (977 KB)
- 04. Cooperación Mundial Abril 2017 ( MB)
- Feature Article: Designing Women-Friendly Cash Transfer Programs by Elaine Fultz.
- Women informal workers and access to social protection by Rachel Moussié
- Social protection and the transformative agenda: a focus on rights and gender by Julie Newton
- Useful resources and links
- 03. Global Cooperation March 2017 (1.62 MB)
- 03. Coopération Mondiale Mars 2017 (1.2 MB)
- 03. Cooperación Mundial Marzo 2017 (1.25 MB)
- Feature Article: ICSW speaks out on the strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all.
- Civil Society Declaration: Social Protection Floors as the Preeminent Strategy
- Thinking long-term: Making poverty eradication and environmental policies mutually supportive
- Useful resources and links
- 02. Global Cooperation February 2017 (1.08 MB)
- 02. Coopération Mondiale Février 2017 (1.07 MB)
- 02. Cooperación Mundial Febrero 2017 (1.06 MB)
- Feature Article: Assessment-based National Dialogue by Loveleen De
- ILO, OECD, WHO and the UN finally aligned on health and social work needs by Odile Frank
- Trying to break the stalemate: recent discussions on ageing at the United Nations by Sergei Zelenev
- Useful resources and links
- 01. Global Cooperation January 2017 (1.2 MB)
- 01. Coopération Mondiale Janvier 2017 (1.2 MB)
- 01. Cooperación Mundial Enero 2017 (1.2 MB)

「2016SWSD社會工作、教育與社會發展國際會議」(Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016)
本次「第21屆臺日韓三國非政府社會福利組織會議」(The 21st Tri-Lateral Conference of Non-Governmental Social Welfare Organizations,簡稱Tri-Lateral Conference)與「2016社會工作、教育與社會發展國際會議」(Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016,簡稱SWSD)議程安排緊湊,提供與會人員多元且豐富之學習機會同時,也搭建了我國與國際社會交流學術以及實務經驗的良好舞台。
第一場主辦的工作坊主題為「變遷中的亞洲災害管理」(Disaster Management in Changing Asia),由本會張正中副理事長主持,邀請臺灣講者分享我國豐富之災害應變經驗,包括慈濟國際救災經驗、紅十字會在莫拉克風災後之經驗,並邀請日本講者分享以社區為單元的災害處置管理,進行經驗的交流。第二場論壇的主題為「變遷中的亞洲長期照顧政策」(Long Term Care Policy in Changing Asia),由本會理事長馮燕教授擔任主持人,分別邀請日本、臺灣、香港講者,分享日本長照保險系統現存問題、臺灣東部偏遠地區之長期健康照顧模式,以及香港長期照顧的挑戰與未來。
兩場會議皆有許多參與者,結束後反應熱烈,成功為臺灣創造國際交流的舞台。工作坊與論壇詳細內容請參「協會主辦活動 - Worshop & Symposium」一節。