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4 月
4 月
ICSW global newsletter 2015
The ICSW Global Newsletter called Global Cooperation is posted each month. Global Cooperation tells you of new important social welfare and social development publications from many sources and keeps you up to date with ICSW's activities.
You can access previous Global Cooperation editions in our ICSW Global Newsletter Archives
ICSW Global Newsletter December 2015
In this issue:
Feature article: EAPN Ireland: facing new challenges, finding new solutions by Robin Hanan
A landmark Paris accord on climate change: a comment
New President of ICSW elected
ICSW Global Newsletter November 2015
In this issue:
Feature article: What Kind of International Support for Social Protection Floors? by Barry Herman
Inter-Agency collaboration on social protection: heated discussions, some practical outcomes and a quest for new vigor by Sergei Zelenev
Parliamentarians to galvanize action on climate change
ICSW Global Newsletter October 2015
In this issue:
Feature article: The post-2015 World – Implications for Social Development by Clem McCartney
The value of care and domestic work: why the gender gap matters by Eloïse Leboutte and Ignacio Socias
UN adopts landmark resolution on principles for sovereign debt restructuring
ICSW Global Newsletter September 2015
In this issue:
Feature article: Social Challenges in Europe in time of refugee crisis by Miloslav Hettes
Voting behaviour and the influence of social protection in South Africa by Leila Patel, Kim Baldy & Marianne S. Ulriksen
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development launched
ICSW Global Newsletter August 2015
In this issue:
Featured article: Global poverty eradication, post-2015: what can regional organisations do? by Nicola Yeates
Debates on ageing and human rights in New York reveal a diplomatic stalemate
Millennium Development Goals in their complexity: the final UN report
ICSW Global Newsletter July 2015
In this issue:
Universal social protection: the World Bank Group and ILO join forces in launching Universal Social Protection Initiative.
Addis Ababa Conference on Financing for Development
World population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050
ICSW Global Newsletter June 2015
In this issue:
European seminar “Migrants and social protection floors” by Joaquin Eguren
Transforming our world by 2030: a new agenda for global action
Strengthening results management: UK Approach to Delivery Impact in Development Cooperation
ICSW Global Newsletter May 2015
In this issue:
Featured Article : The foundation for universal social protection: Issues, realities and horizons for the MENA region within the Global Coalition by Driss Guerraoui
Conference of young parliamentarians speaks up on major challenges facing youth worldwide
Monitoring and follow-up to the post 2015-agenda: discussions in New York.
ICSW Global Newsletter April 2015
In this issue:
Featured Article : Promoting active aging: A pioneering social-work project in Brazil
Shaping the post 2015 Agenda: Six essential elements for delivering on the sustainable development goals
Asian African Summit 2015 convened in Indonesia
ICSW Global Newsletter March 2015
In this issue:
Featured Article : AICESIS today: an international association for participatory governance
ICSW speaks out at the UN on the gender and ageing nexus of development
Interagency cooperation on social protecting: SPIAC-B meeting in New York
ICSW Global Newsletter February 2015
In this issue:
Featured Article : A Patient's Advocate’s Journey in Search of Social Justice
ICSW speaks up on the issue of rethinking and strengthening social development in the contemporary world
The rights of persons with disabilities must be fully included in the new development framework – UN experts
ICSW Global Newsletter January 2015
In this issue:
Feature Article : The Disparate Partnership and Search for Cooperation in South Asia by Kalpana Jha
A Universal Call to Action to Transform our World beyond 2015
On the road to the Joint World Conference in Seoul
Useful resources and links
Dear colleagues, partners and friends,
We are pleased to send you the second issue of the ICSW-NEA Regional Newsletter.
We hope you will find the newsletter of interest.
Please feel free to forward this email to others whom you consider it may be relevant.
Thank You.
3 月
國際社會工作學院協會(International Association of Schools of Social Work, IASSW)、國際社會福利協會(International Council on Social Welfare, ICSW)及國際社會工作者聯盟(International Federation of Social Workers, IFSW)將聯合舉行「2016年社會工作、教育及社會發展研討會」。本次會議由韓國社會福利協會(Korea National Council on Social Welfare)、韓國社會工作者協會(Korea Association of Social Workers)、韓國社會福利教育協會(Korean Council on Social Welfare Education)及首爾福利基金會(Seoul Welfare Foundation)共同承辦。
3 月
12 月
10 月
10 月
本會於 2014 年 5 月 30 日為 7 月份在澳洲墨爾本舉行的 ICSW、IFSW 及 IASSW 聯合舉辦的全球研討會議公開徵選論文,在實踐大學舉辦社會工作、教育與社會 發展研討會,以「促進社會及經濟平等:社會工作與社會發展的回應」為主題,邀請國內社會福利相關領域學者及實務工作者一同參與。本研討會共有 18 篇論文發表,探討的議題與領域相當多元,涵蓋老人、兒童、青少年、新移民、身心 障礙、環境、社會工作等等,並有七十餘位學者、社會福利、社會工作及相關人 士參與研討,會議在一整天的熱烈參與及討論中順利完成。會議議程及論文摘要如下,請自行點閱。
5 月
1. 本會是國際社會福利協會(ICSW)正式會員,是我國少數在國際組織具正式會籍的單位,應該繼續維持在ICSW的資格,即使中國大陸入會,也不能改變我們的會籍和地位。
2. 本會致力於國際交流,相關訊息均製作成書面及參訪報告放置於網頁上,且內容持續保持更新,歡迎有興趣的會員,可多連結至本會網站參閱。
3. 隨著國際間觀摩及研討活動日增,為了增加國際能見度,本會仍將持續推動各種國際交流活動,並誠摯邀請會員(個人及團體)共同參與。
下載國際社會福利協會中華民國總會第7屆第3次會員大會 - 會議記錄.docx
5 月
1. 本會是國際社會福利協會(ICSW)正式會員,是我國少數在國際組織具正式會籍的單位,應該繼續維持在ICSW的資格,即使中國大陸入會,也不能改變我們的會籍和地位。
2. 本會致力於國際交流,相關訊息均製作成書面及參訪報告放置於網頁上,且內容持續保持更新,歡迎有興趣的會員,可多連結至本會網站參閱。
3. 隨著國際間觀摩及研討活動日增,為了增加國際能見度,本會仍將持續推動各種國際交流活動,並誠摯邀請會員(個人及團體)共同參與。
下載 國際社會福利協會中華民國總會第7屆第6次理(監)事會議 - 會議記錄.docx
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