The Online Session Planner offers several features: it allows you to search out session details such as presentations or speakers, find the CVs of the speakers and even makes it possible for you to create your own individual session schedule. The online version of the World Health Summit Program may be found at the official website, in the 「Program」 section which is frequently updated.
World Health Summit - Personalities
Dr. Mazda Adli, Executive Director of the World Health Summit
「Health is our most valuable and sensitive currency, regardless of where in the world we live. We need an intensified, international exchange and coordination to define priorities and roadmaps for medical research, development and health care.」 says Dr. Mazda Adli, Executive Director of the World Health Summit, and a member of the Executive Board of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
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Stay in touch with the World Heath Summit and follow Dr. Adli on Twitter.
Sessions at the World Health Summit
Working Session "Universal Access to Health: Innovation in Infrastructure-Poor Seetings"
How Could Innovative Models Help?Health is a Basic Human Right. (United Nations Declaration of Human Rights – Art. 25)Effective systems of social protection, prevention and health care are crucial for the security of populations particularly in low income countries. Improving access to health care requires a detailed analysis of multiple factors, including workforce, infrastructure, financing, information and organization.Working Session on October 12th, 2010, 10:30-12:30, Room "Bier">>read more
Dear Friends,Dear Colleagues,We are proud to present you today the World Health Summit 2nd Announcement. This brochure provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the summit - from its vision to its program, social functions, the venues, registration, and accommodation.Download it now here.
Invitation to the World Health Summit
Again, we cordially invite you to the 2nd World Health Summit on October 10-13, 2010 in Berlin. The 2nd World Health Summit is organized by the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin in cooperation with the M8 Alliance of Medical Universities and Academic Medical Centers under the patronage of President Nicolas Sarkozy and Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. This Summit will be a strategic meeting concerning global medical innovation and health care in the 21st Century. The Summit will bring together a selected group of 700 leading representatives and distinguished leaders from academia, executives in health care, health-related industries, governments, non-profit organizations, think tanks, funding agencies and the media. With your reputation and expertise in the field we greatly value your participation and active contributions.
Deadline early registration fee until July 31st, 2010!
Click here to register for the World Health Summit 2010 and get the early booking fee until July 31st, 2010!
Selection of confirmed speakers!
See here a list of selected speakers who confirmed their participation in the World Health Summit 2010.
會議已於 6/14 圓滿結束, 來自全球 131 個國家,超過 2890 人出席這個會議,在會議過程中這次會議,來自全球不同國家、不同層面的社會工作者及社會發展倡議者聚首一堂,共同展開一次國際性的討論,勾劃出目標的重要議題,發展我們的綱領,加強社會保障,以及在面對二十一世紀的社會危機同時,為本世紀的第二個十年制訂工作綱領。 這場會議也像徵了社工領域全球合作的開始 IASSW、ICSW 及 IFSW 於數年前已決定更緊密合作。而透過籌備這個首度舉行的會議,更加強當中的合作與聯結。2008 年,三個機構的領袖分別已於倫敦、圖爾、德班及薩爾瓦多會面過,為是次香港會議作全球性諮詢,這次在香港舉行會議後,三間機構將總結會議所得,共同制定未來發展綱領。IFSW 理事長 David Jones 在開幕式上指出「世界各地的社會工作者都非常憤怒於預算被削減」,會產生這樣的結果是經濟學家及金融家導致的。因為政府花了數百萬去解救銀行的危機,雖然此舉可保障數百萬存戶的權益。但是,這是不公平和荒謬的,因為這樣的成本是由是最貧窮及最弱勢的人來支付的,解救銀行的同時也削減了福利支出,在福利支出消減弱勢團體受苦時,銀行家卻仍然有紅利及福利,這不僅僅是不公平也是不道德的,而社工每天都在面對這樣的結果。在開幕中 IFSW,ICSW 和 IASSW 的理事長介紹三組織的共同行動議程方向為: 1. 釋放動力的全球夥伴關係和共同的事業 2. 加強對社會工作和社會發展的發言權 3. 讓實務經驗,被聽到且影響政策當中也定義出影響世界上社會工作實務及發展的主要因素: 1. 全球金融危機和經濟 2 遷移 – 經濟壓力所產生的衝突與渴望 3. 健康問題,如傳染病,非典,愛滋病 4. 環境災難,如石油洩漏和自然災害也慎重指出社會發展只能通過全球互動來達成,這意味著,儘管所有的社會工作實踐是地方性的,現在的社會工作必將是全球性和國際化的。這次會議就是三個組織聯合起來運用大家的綜合技能,經驗和資源,提供全球社會工作者,社會教育工作者和社會發展工作的專業人士對話的機會,建立一個全球性平台,創造出全球的行動議程。 開幕式相關報導請參閱會議中 ICSW, IASSW and IFSW 三個組織共同發表 Agenda,這是在未來 10 年中這是三個組織會共同努力的進程。Agenda 請瀏覽以下網站 ICSW: The International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW): The International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) :相關會議照片及資料請參閱: 相片集
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,We are happy to present the first newsletter of the World Health Summit 2010. From now on, the newsletter will be published every month. The newsletter will provide you with the latest World Health Summit news and give you background information on the activities and people who are part of the summit and the M8 Alliance.We are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin at the World Health Summit 2010.Download this issue