The GSP Digest has been produced under the editorship of Alexandra Kaasch with support from the University of Bremen Centre for Social Policy Research. It has been compiled by Bob Deacon (University of Sheffield, UK), Alexandra Kaasch (University of Bremen, Germany), Sunil Kumar (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) and Antoni Verger (University of Amsterdam). This version of the Digest is available on and http://www.crop.organd soon also at All the web sites referenced were accessible in December 2011. This edition of the Digest covers the period August to December 2011.下載詳細文件 (英文版)
Dear Members of the Board and regional staff,I attach the minutes of the last teleconference. You will see in the minutes that I am taking about six weeks sick leave for an operation and recovery period. I leave today for Ghana for the meeting of IASSW, ICSW and IFSW on The Agenda. I will be take some recreation leave from 28th November before my operation on 9th December. From the 28th all my emails will be diverted to Roselyn who will work with Christian to cover my work during my leave.It is a bit early but I wish you all the best for the festive season and look forward to resuming contact in the New Year.下載本月詳細文件 (英文版)
We are approaching the opening of registrations for our World Conference on Social Welfare and Social Development to be held in Stockholm from 8th to 12th July 2012. The other important date for your diaries is the meeting of the General Assembly of members which will be held after the closure of the conference on Thursday 12th July. The meeting of the Board will be the day after on Friday 13th July. The call for abstracts is due to close next week on the 30th November. Although the response has been excellent we could do with more abstracts in the area of religion under the first theme and water under the second theme. (Go to to see the themes).This is your conference and don’t be afraid to submit an abstract – you don’t have to be an academic. Practitioner viewpoints are as valid as a research paper.
As you may have experienced, the Big Give website unfortunately had some technical problems on Monday. This was due to the high numbers of donors using the site. The website is now live and working.If you have tried to donate and had problems, please try again from 10am GMT today to help older Bolivian farmers and double your donation.